Welcome to Child Care India Foundation
Child Care India Foundation believes that every child deserves the best chance for a bright future and that’s why we are fiercely committed towards ensuring that children not only survive, but thrive. We run programmes in the remotest corners of Bangalore and urban areas to provide quality education and healthcare, protection from harm and abuse and life-saving aid during emergencies to children. Child Care India Foundation works to improve the lives of the most vulnerable children living there.

Name: Suraksha
This for a emergency medical support just 5years old girle suraksha suffering from mentaly disorder we need your kind support kindly join hands for a noble cause per day treatment cost is very high 15 to 20k kindly help Know More

Name: Tashvi shree
This is very emergency medical support Thashvi shree just 3year old girle saffering from Brain disorder she can't eable to speak she is not responding for anything from childwood treatment cost is high 1 to 2Lakh we need a kind support help this girle we requesting for a donors kindly join hands for a Noble cause Know More

Name: Augustine Leo
This very Emergency Apeal just for 8 Years old Augustine Leo He is saffering from kidney Problem he is required 15 Years Continues support treatment cost is high 1.5to2 lakh kindly we are seeking help for this boy kindly join hands for this noble cause Know More

Name: Ropini
This very emergency appeal just 7month baby premature baby of Ropini with low weight we need a Donor support to help this baby kindly join hands for a noble cause this baby treatment cost 2.5lakh to 3 lakh kindly join hands for the noble cause Know More

Name: Tarun
This Very Emergency Appeal from child care India foundation He is name is Tarun just 10years old boy suffering from Asofedia treatment cost is high it is 2To3Lakh we are looking for a support for this boy kindly join hands for Noble cause kindly Know More

Name: Shivaraju
Emergency apeal Shivaraju just 13years old Boy saffering from conginatal heart deasies surgery cost is very high it is 4to5 lakh we ur support help this boy kindly we are requesting our donor help this boy pls join hands for this noble cause because parents there unable bear surgery cost kindly we are requesting please Know More

Name: Dolphin Priya
This is very emergency apeal baby of dolpin priya saffering from skin diseases Including this baby having eye problem this baby treatment cost is around 1lakh to 2lakh kindly help for this baby pls join hands for nobule cause Know More

Name: Rajith gopal
This very emergency apeal for Rajith gopal just 13years old boy saffering from ARTHROGRYPOSTS MUTIPLEX CONGENITA he has to under go for a surgery long time we need ur kind support to save this baby kindly join hands for nobule cause suregery cost very high it 5to6 lakh we need ur kind support to save this boy Know More

Name: Sharon
Sharon Angelina 8years old saffering from ACUTHE CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE we need to save this from disease we need ur support to save this baby asson haspossible treatment has to be done we need ur kind support the baby under absourvation in St jhons hospital Know More

Name: Suraksha
Here is a 3 year 2 month old female child Suraksha G Patil, D/o Gangappa diagnosed with bilateral severe hearing loss with speech delay. Cochlear implant has been done on the register_shutdown_function side on 02-06-2022. Child will require approximately Rs 20000/- for maintenance. Know More

Name: Dhanya
Here is a 5 year 2 month old female child Dhanya. D/o M.C.Mahadevaswamy suffering from bilateral severe hearing loss with speech delay. Cochlear implant has been done on the right side on 21-07-2022. Child will require approximately Rs 20000/- for maintenance. Child attenders are very poor. Kindly do the needful.Know More

Name: Lakshmi
She is name is Lakshmi safferring from thalassemia she need to under go for Bone marrow transplant and blood transfusion suregey cost is very high. It is 15to20 lakh we need. Doonor support to save this child kindly join hands for noble cause. Know More

Name: keerti
Baby of keerti she is a just 1month premature baby is under weigth she is in NICU Eastimeate cost around 7to8 lakh Per day NICU cost is 15000to20000 thousand we need donors support to save this baby.
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Name: Mohammed Asif
Master Mohammed Asif is a 15 year old boy registered with our hospital with MRN-160080 is diagnosed to have osteosarcoma- non metastatic. Parents work as daily wagers earning minimum wages. Patient ' has 2 younger brothers who are studying. Patient developed pain in his leg which was treated in local hospital. When all the investigations were carried on it was kw diagnosed as r'r osteosarcoma. The estimated treatment cost is Rs.8 lakhs. He needs to undergo chemotherapy and surgery. The patient belongs to a poor socio-economic family and requires financial assistance for receiving the treatment. Know More

Name: Darshini
A Two year old Girl Named Darshini is suffering from acuite lucamia blood cancer and she is need of Financial support of 2,00,000 (2 Lakh) Rupees. Baby has already been admitted to Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital. They don’t have money and they are really looking for someone to support them. Kindly donate and do the needful. Your support would definitely save the child. Know More

Name: Lakshmi
Student named Lakshmi is studying in St.Marry Composite PU College and Her father is suffering from Spinal Cord infection, She is having no one to support for her education. Kindly help her for her education with the below mentioned amount. Your donation would really help Lakshmi to get educated. Please do the needful. Know More
Monthly = 1200 Rs
Quarterly = 2400 Rs
Once in 4 month = 4800 Rs
Yearly = 9600 Rs
Please support her by for her education. You can transfer the amount to the below account details.

Name: Nishchal - 2 Years old boy
This Baby is suffering from bone transplant failure. 20 Lakh rupees needed for his treatment. He has to go for surgery immediately. The white blood cell is very less in his body, he has to take CGF injection for that..
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So we are requesting you to please donate as much as possible for this baby treatment and make diffrence in his life.

Name: Sarana Basava Reddy
I wish to state that Master Sarana Basava Reddy has been diagnosed as a case of Neuroblastama (High Risk). This is a type of cancer. Know More
We are requesting you to please donate as much as possible for this baby treatment and make diffrence in his life.

Name: Karupothu Harish
I would like ti inform you that Mr. Karupothu Harish, 5 years old male child, diagnosed with transverse myelitis, he has weakness in both the lowe limbs, the treatment team has suggested for a paediatric walker, as the child belongs to lower socio economic status they cant afford ro meet the expenses, hence kindly do the needful and help the patient to improve quality of his life. Know More